Fight for Relationships

SUMMARY: Relationships take work. All too often leading advice tags resolvable issues as a reason for the breakup of a relationship or even a family. The result is a pandemic of loneliness and the neurotic tendencies that it spawns. We deserve better, those who depend on us deserve better; it’s time to learn how to […]

The Path to Contributing

SUMMARY: Nothing happens until it does. We are not until we are. In the interim, we do our best, make efforts, make mistakes, learn, grow, and somehow we make a difference. We make a unique difference that only our life could bring about. You’re not…until you are. Period. Not what, exactly? Insert anything. You are […]

Hydrate or Die Drying

SUMMARY: Water is central to everything the body needs and does and critical for healing. Most people could stop using medicines if they drank enough water. TBM water recommendation is 2/3 an ounce per pound of body weight during healing and 1/2 an ounce thereafter. It takes 1 – 3 months to fully hydrate. Look […]

Constructive Dependence

SUMMARY: We are, by nature, social and relational beings. We are equipped to feel empathy, understand one another’s perspectives, and act for the benefit of all involved. Yet current social trends have led to atomization and solipsism and a plethora of neuroses. Nevertheless, a fulfilling life both includes and benefits others. Truly living not only […]

What is Eustress?

Summary: When forging a healed life, it is important to plan for eustress. Humans need to build resilience to gain the benefits that eustress offers. After defining eustress, look at the various ways it translates to reality, and learn how to build resilience by leveraging eustress to your advantage. Can you imagine a symptom-free life? […]

The Language of the Body

SUMMARY: The body speaks through symptoms. The symptoms need to be addressed, instead of masked through the scar, burn, poison (biomedical model). Considering the way we treat our bodies analogous to handling a baby, it is clear there must be an alternative to biomedical measures. TBM practitioners offer a new way to listen to the […]

Veridoception: What is it?

SUMMARY: Veridoception, a word coined by our Director Dr. Kevin S. Millet, refers to our innate capacity to sense truth, right, universality, sustainability, resonance, and the like. It aligns with interoceptive reasoning. It is an understanding that emerges from within us when we are sufficiently clear of the interfering noise of symptoms, life stressors, and […]

Bourbon’s Healthy?

While, this isn’t a lecture blog, the doctor in me wants to encourage you to seek help if alcohol is interrupting your work, relationships, life, or quality of life in any way. With that being addressed, let’s talk about some benefits of making informed alcoholic beverage choices.