HO0 – Module HO: Holographic & Distance Healing

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Distance healing has been part of our healing lineage since it’s inception in the late 18th century. It has been part of TBM from early on. Victor used to call it “power adjusting.” Performing remote TBM on someone using a live assistant is quite simple and only a few rules need to be followed. Some TBM practitioners work exclusively over-the-phone without an assistant acting as a surrogate. We call this holographic TBM(holoTBM).

In this course we will teach you how to effectively and consistently provide TBM on those who are unable to come to you. We will cover all particulars from theory to practice. There are multiple demonstrations in the course to allow you to see remote TBM in action.

This course will enable you to expand your practice to those outside of your proximal community and be more resilent in the face of any future shut-downs that may occur.

The course consists of seven segments each ranging from 35 to 58 minutes for a total run time of just over 5 hours. Here are the particular segments and length.

  • HO_01_INTRODUCTION (35 min)
  • HO_02_POWER_ADJUSTING (48 min)
  • HO_04_SURROGATE_DEMOS (58 min)
  • HO_05_HOLOGRAPHIC_DEMOS (43 min)
  • HO_06_WORKSHOP_&_SPECIFICS (44 min)
  • HO_07_METHODS_&_CLOSING (35 min)

You will not only be learning remote healing but will also be observing Dr. Millet work with real clients and how he approaches TBM attunements.

This course promises to be one of the most important any TBM practitioner could ever take as it will expand each viewers ability to provide TBM when it would have been previously impossible. Not only bringing added revenue and increased flexibility but also a greater reach and therefore a greater level of service.

Introduction (HO_01) GL-0040 Power Adjusting (HO_02) GL-0041 Benchmarks & Steps Toward Holographic TBM (HO_03) GL-0042 Demonstrations – Surrogate (HO_04) GL-0043 Demonstrations – Holographic (HO_05) GL-0044 Workshop & Specificis (HO_06) GL-0045 Methods & Closing (HO_07)
Kevin Millet

Kevin Millet

After having experienced dramatic health improvements at the age of 12 from dietary changes, Dr. Kevin Millet became obsessed with the topic of nature cure and, eventually, energetic healing. Writing papers on the topics throughout junior high, high school and undergrad, he chose to pursue his Doctor of Chiropractic from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles, California. Following graduation in 1989, Dr. Millet opened a private clinic near Salt Lake City, Utah where he initially focused in family wellness and later began to specialize exclusively on patients suffering from disabling dysautonomic and auto-immune conditions (eg fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivity, lupus, multiple sclerosis). His interest in diagnostic acumen led him to complete a 300 hour program certified by the Council on Diagnosis of Internal Disorders in 2014. He is currently board eligible to receive his Diplomate from the American Board of Chiropractic Internists. In 2008 Dr. Millet became the owner of Total Body Modification, Inc. (TBM) after having been an instructor since 2003. Dr. Millet was originally exposed to TBM in 1986 when working, while a medical student, in the clinic of the founder of TBM, Dr. Victor L. Frank. Upon graduation, Dr. Millet lost contact with Dr. Frank until 2001 when he began to formally study under Dr. Frank. From that point until his death in 2009, Dr. Frank personally mentored Dr. Millet and chose to entrust the legacy of TBM to him in 2008. Dr. Millet continues to be the principle instructor and ongoing developer of TBM. Attendees of his courses will not only attest his knowledge of TBM and alternative medicine as a whole, but also of physiology, anatomy, and diagnostics. Once nearly disabled by his own health issues, Dr. Millet is now a vibrant reminder of the body's recuperative powers. His commitment to listen to and respond to his body's needs has resulted in him being drug-free for over 30 years. Attending one of Dr. Millet's lectures will leave you not only more capable of meeting the needs of your patients, but more committed to your own health and well-being as well.