
Module PA1&2 (Module 1) Audio (3 CDs)

Module PA1&2 (Module 1) Audio (3 CDs)


9998 in stock



Previously know as the Dynamics of Basic Exam Sequence.  This set of three audio CD’s, recorded in 1986, will reinforce your knowledge of how to perform a TBM BASIC EXAM!  These CD’s are a quick and complete narrative of the Basic Exam and the body points from Module One.  This learning tool is presented by Dr. Victor L. Frank, D.C., N.M.D. and is an ideal way to help you remember the basics and TBM points to speed up your Basic Exam.  According to the late Dr. Foster Hibbard, if you listen to five minutes of instruction tapes only twice a day, in one year will have had sixty hours of additional learning.  Use your time wisely!  Keep these CD’s in your car and listen to them to and from work.  It will stimulate your enthusiasm and your expertise in your field as well as add hours to your education.

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Weight 0.5 lbs


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